QMB interface > QMB Job |
A maintenance policy can contain one or several QMB Jobs. A QMB Job is executed by schedule or manually and can contain one or several tasks.
To open a previously created QMB Job, select a maintenance policy in a tree list located in the Servers and policies section. Double-click on the necessary QMB Job on the maintenance policy page or select a QMB Job and click the button
QMB Job form |
General parameters
QMB Job name – an arbitrary name of the QMB Job.
Execute by schedule – this option indicates that the QMB Job should be executed by schedule. The schedule form can be opened by clicking a link to the right of the field.
If the Policy enabled switch on the maintenance policy page is off, QMB Jobs will not be executed by schedule!
If the Enable policy switch on the maintenance policy page is off, QMB Jobs will not be executed by schedule! |
The Tasks tab contains a list of QMB Job tasks. List commands:
Activate all tasks in the list. If the task is active, it will be executed | |
Deactivate all tasks in the list. If the task in inactive, it will not be executed | |
add a new task to the QMB Job. A click will open a form for task selection | |
edit the selected list line. A click will open a form for task selection | |
delete the selected list line | |
copy tasks from another QBM Job. Attention! The list is cleared before copying! | |
executes the QMB Job starting from the first active task. The QMB Job is saved before execution | |
move the task one level higher | |
move the task one level lower |
When a QMB Job is executed, tasks are run one by one in a sequence. If a task works with a database (the Execute for Maintenance Policy databases as a parametr option is enabled), this task will be executed for each database included in the maintenance policy, and only then will the program proceed to the next task. If you want to temporarily disable the task, uncheck the On box (task activity flag).
If you get an error while executing a certain task, the QMB Job execution is stopped. If you want to avoid this, enable the Continue on error option.
This tab contains general information: server, policy name and a list of databases. The tab also allows you to enter a comment for the QMB Job and configure Email notifications. Available notification modes:
Only then an error occurs – a notification will be sent in case an error occurs in any task of the QBM Job.
Always after QMB Job completion – a notification will always be sent after the completion of the QMB Job. This mode should be selected for rarely executed QMB Jobs – for example, those ones that are executed once a week. Upon receiving a notification, the administrator will know that database maintenance is being performed as planned.
Notify to addresses on error - when this option is enabled, notifications about all QMB Job execution errors will be forwarded to the email addresses specified in this field. By default, all notifications are sent to the address specified in the program settings.
To receive notifications, you need to enable the corresponding option in program settings. |